Here’s a lifestyle challenge designed to positively impact your mind, body, and soul!

Aparna S
4 min readJul 13, 2022
A candid photo that was found in my archive!

Although Instagram encourages mindless scrolling and procrastination, I was introduced to the Project 50 challenge through it.

To begin with, I would just save the Project 50 reels, wishing to be able to make them one day without the hard work!

But how can one not cultivate practices of mindfulness when there is no distraction but only an environment that fosters it?

And so, I began the project on June 23rd,2022. It has been said that an average person can form a habit in 18 to 254 days.

50 days seemed like a good place to start, and then if I feel I’ve got the hang of it, I can continue.

With the exception of the 5th,6th, and 7th of July, I have been able to sincerely participate in the Project 50 challenge.


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Besides reels and depictions of a perfect routine, what exactly is it?

It is simply a series of tasks that one has to practice to attain productivity. Well, I mean my idea of productivity.

It aims to improve one’s body, mind, and soul.

And believe me when I say this!

As a result of doing this challenge, I realized that I have been addicted to munching on something sweet at regular intervals!

The task of staying away from sugar and sweets, especially anything that was bought outside, was no small one. But boy, I saved so much money from Swiggy and Zomato!


Apparently, Project 50 was originally formulated according to these seven rules!

Photo on google by Etsy

Honestly, I didn’t really think about these rules before I started the project, but I made my own set of rules that more or less revolve around the aforementioned ones. Or at least I hope!


Photo captured by Aparna S of the book “Steal like an artist” by Austin Kleon
  1. Eat only home-cooked meals instead of eating out
  2. Wake up before 8:00 AM every day
  3. Spend at least 15 minutes meditating each morning and evening
  4. Engage in some form of exercise for 1 hour a day (I prefer yoga)
  5. Invest time in market research or improving a skill
  6. Read a few pages a day
  7. Avoid using phone while eating
Aparna S in this frame

Why do I feel like I’m being held at gunpoint by my mother to write this piece? (wink, wink ;)) After all, this is any mother’s dream come true! :P

Truth be told, my mom has been relaxed over the past couple of days about me not ordering Domino’s every third day.

At a point, I remember that it had become unbearable for my mom to see delivery bags lying around the house after a while.

In all honesty, I haven’t been able to live up to all of it diligently especially with the waking up early part and not looking at the phone while eating part! , but I’m trying!

However, getting rid of mindless eating has really helped me become less anxious.

When I consume a balanced diet, I do not feel the need to have junk food. That’s a huge accomplishment for me, considering that I’m a junk food addict.


Photo by Hayley Murray on Unsplash

In any case, I am on Day 18 and so far it has gone well.

A lot can be accomplished in 24 hours, and this journey has made me realize that I always have ample time. It’s only a matter of what you want to do and how you want to spend them! :)

So, folks, commitment, and consistency are the cornerstones of success!

Project 50 will help cultivate a positive outlook, improved-eating habits, and increased self-esteem.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments :)!



Aparna S

Hey folks! I talk about life, love, travel, branding, and much more! I am a lifelong learner and a multi-hyphenate!IG: aparnas2611 Email: aparnas2611@gmail.com